Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Geek Reads

  I love lists. And lists with books are even better. And lists about books to read to your children are about as good as it gets. Browsing through this compilation of books every geeky parent (that's their term) should read to their children (to insure their geekiness) was tons of fun.
  See how many books you remember reading to your child, and if your kids are still at home and enjoying a quality bedtime reading habit, you might find some inspiration here:

  If the geeks who put this list together missed anything, write back so we can compare notes. One not on the list that I really loved reading with my daughter was Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin by His Good Mouse Amos, a book about the true genius behind Franklin's inventions (it was the mouse, of course) and the beautifully illustrated tale of truth and honesty, The Empty Pot by Demi